The Board met on Monday, January 15 at 7:30 pm Attending members: Sallie Martin, Carole Henley, Steve Hill, Milo Medina (sp?), Amy French, Steve Harper, and Cheryl McGovern. Absent: Lee Lukehart, Carolyn Chaney Guests: Ken and Jaine Staats, Michael and Nancy Mangini, Jon Heineman, Mark Rotto, Colleen Garcelon Agenda: 1. Announcements and Quick Reports 2. Approval of Nov 28th minutes: Steve moved, Amy seconded, no objections, meetings were approved 3. Oral Communication/ Visitors session: Nancy Mangini reported she was attending for Frank Fragone (sp?) who was out of town but requested that he attend the Board meeting with Rich Gordon. Sallie indicated she would get back to Frank after discussing it with Rich. 4. Treasurer\'b9s Report: $8605.04 checking; Propay $573.53; Paypal $663.42 5. Mail items discussion: Letter regarding traffic from Ray Ramos - passed to Carolyn, traffic committee; Letter to EH Police Dept. - redirect; Edgewood Explorer newsletter is online at 6. Old Business: County is looking into putting all unincorporated areas into one garbage contract. Steve Harper will follow up - would limit our options. a. Sewer rate update: No news other than what is reported in Jan. newsletter. Connection of Zones 1 and 2 physically possible but RWC would have to confirm. b. Welcome package: need maps, discussed topics: EH beauty, About EHs, Tree protection, Local Services, Fire Station, Schools, Local Business c. Social event: Carolyn and Steve talked with fire station regarding ice cream social or chili feed. Steve and Cheryl offered to help. 7. Design Review Report: County running meetings. 8. Committee Reports: a. Communications- Newsletter went out. Steve asked Lee/Carolyn to put last date of dues paid in next issue. Ask Lee to put subcommittees on the web page w/board of director contact for each one. Home page, school event, annual meeting, social event can be added as the event comes up. b. Zoning: Sallie reported on 1/11/2007 Thursday meeting with Rich Gordon. He is looking for input on design review, issues going forward to fix DR process. Sallie, Milo, Steve, and Carolyn attended. 9.New Business: Bio's of nominations should be next newsletter and mailed 2nd week in March - 3/10/07. Also newsletter articles: sewer, call for pictures of before and after related to annual tree give away, social event, native plants. a. Public School Panel: Tanya, Sallie and Amy will be at the school forum panel at 6:30 and details of introductions, order, role, refreshments were discussed. Milo moved up to $100 be approve for refreshments, Carole second, passed. b. Annual Meeting: Annual meeting will be in March. The 3,21,or 28 were discussed for the date. Steve will call the Elks to reserve space in the large room. Crowd control for security was discussed and agenda items such as sheriff report, traffic control, crime reduction, new fire chief, new public works director. A subcommittee is needed to make and post signs, send post cards before the meeting, make a sign-in sheet, take minutes, lead voting and call for nominations, gather bio's - Sallie and Carole will work on it. 10. Set next meeting: February 26, 2007 11. Adjourn